The Second Panini Award for path breaking contribution to promotion of computer
science theory and practice would be conferred on Technology Development for
Indian Languages group at the DEITy and Om Vikas.
In an announcement here on Wednesday Super Computing Consortium of India said that the Panini Award 2015 is being awarded to TDIL group at the Department of Electronics and Information Technolgy (DeitY) and Dr Om Vikas for creating and sustaining a small yet significant effort to build a community of Indian language technology researchers. The award will be presented during a Indian Language Technology Workshop to be held in Visakhapatnam during October this year, general chair of SCCI Gopi Bulusu said in the release. SCCI gives away The Panini Award each year to a team and leader that through sheer excellence, team work and collaboration have made a path breaking contribution to the promotion of computer science theory and practice as a tribute to Panini who is credited with the invention of the first formal notation to describe languages. |