ActivityMonitoringAnalysis ApplicationChain CInputOutputLibrary DistributedFaultTolerance DynamicProgramming EclipseUMLConcepts GridComputing L01SmartSitePublishing L02SmartSitePublishing L03SmartSitePublishing L04SmartSitePublishing LinuxResources ModelDrivenTransformation ObjectFileFormat ProcessDocumentation ProductDataManagement SoftwareDebugging_1 SoftwareDebugging_2 WhatIsCORBA AutovalTraining.pdf IAmALightPole.pdf stf-r-abstraction.pdf |
The SmartSite is designed for both basic and advanced usage. A simple way to publish a document is to post it as a pdf document. A more advanced way to publish a document is to post it as an embedded html document. An embedded html document should have a .cp extension. Here are simple steps to create an embedded html document. 1) On your desktop create a new text document On a windows desktop - Rightclick and select new -> text document 2) Edit the text document with content you want to publish 3) Ensure that the text document starts with the tag < pre > and ends with the tag < /pre > 4) Save the document with a .txt extension 5) Upload the document to your SmartSite Go to your dynamic channel page and click "Login and Publish" In the Upload page - modify the file name from .txt to .cp 6) Share the uploaded .cp file to the category associated with the channel 7) Wait for a minute and your .cp will be published as a .html 8) You can share the .html URL with your friends or promote it on your facebook or linkedin pages It is simple, isn't it ? Stay tuned for more technical articles from Hamara Team. For questions - write to |